This is Completely Obvious

Some months ago, I recall reading that, when Joe Biden took office, the democrats began ranting about the “obvious need,” as they put it, to expand the number of Supreme Court justices to 13. Just now, I’ve read another article, in which the writer, again broached this subject and I’ve decided to use my blog to explain what I think of this:

Let’s assume that Trump hadn’t been cheated, as so many think he was, out of the past General Election and that he had broached the idea of expanding the number of justices, on the high court. I’m sure anyone, who isn’t a butt-smooching democrat, will agree that the entire Democratic National Convention would have been up in arms, demanding his goal was to do away with every ungodly law that had been put in place by the ungodly high court, during the years, when the majority liberal court had allowed everything from the murder of infants to sodomite rights, which preceded the ultra-ungodly allowance for male/male and female/female marriage.

So, when you consider that both of the ungodly allowances, I’ve just recognized, along with the fact that the ungodly members of both houses of Congress, will, now, have to deal with a high court that is now leaning toward Godliness, you’ll understand why I believe the dim bulb faction is anxious to bring in more ungodly justices, who will make it impossible for America’s sinful state to end.

I am also sure that anyone, reading this, who disagrees, will take the stance that, when the Lord God, who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the stench of homosexuality, did that in the Old Testament and, according to, modern day thinking, “That was then, this is now. And things have changed.”

My second thought is that, when people demand that the murder of infants, which is called abortion and is, often thought of as being anything from a right to birth control (this, often, being the idea that, pre-marital sexual relationships are, no longer sinful, since love is now thought of as Godly, in any and every way).

Well, fornication is still ungodly, and fornicators are still living in sin and, in desperate need of repentance and forgiveness.
Unfortunately, the present-day America is continually deciding that sin is in and Godliness is a thing of the past! So, the country, which is represented by the eagle and seen to be Israel’s sup-porter and protector in the book of Daniel as well as the Book of the Revelation, isn’t important, now.

Again, the present-day thinking is that our way is permitted, simply because, since the dawn of the Sexual Revolution, free love is more important than considering what the consequences, of these sinful relationships, along with the potential of future sin, such as broken homes, due to the fact that teen marriages don’t always continue (while I have to admit that I know of a couple, whose union is close to 50 years in length, I’ve also known quite a few, whose unions didn’t last more than a short time and, I’ve known one, whose marriage didn’t make it five days).

When it comes to the argument about whether the U.S. should have allowed sodomite marriage, years ago, like some European countries did, I, simply, reply that when two men or two women can “be fruitful and multiply,” like the Lord told Adam and Eve to do, (with and by themselves, alone, without the assistance of science, when has also become so ungodly that I don’t hesitate to wonder when the system will attempt to find a way for siblings to marry, allowing a brother and sister to reproduce, without fear of the illnesses that might be involved (and, lest I forget, science will, someday, attempt to override those illnesses … I’m thinking, directly, about how some families already have a Deaf gene and, in the past, cousins, who had that gene, married, without realizing they were cousins, and then, brought in generations of Deaf children into the world. What I mean is that, supposing a family has a gene that is causing cancer and, when a brother and sister reproduced, they would cause that gene to go wild, bringing a generation (or two or three) into the world, where many of their offspring would be stricken with cancer.
Of course, I’m sure the democrats, in Washington don’t stop to think about it, or don’t care enough to do so, but it’s a stark possibility!

So, now that the democrats, in Washington, are so overwhelmed by the fact that, after years of having their way, when it came to making ungodly laws, are anxious to return to that unrighteous lifestyle.

Don’t expect the Democratic National Convention or any of the people, who are anxious to vote for those politicians, to admit it, though!

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