Once Again!

Personally, I am sick of this CRAP!!

During the eight years Obama spent doing absolutely NOTHING for the US and doing less than that for Israel, I received a boatload of email asking me to support him.
Then, during the time, when Trump spent four years, undoing the stupidity of the eight previous years, I received another boatload of email, asking me to support Trump’s ouster.

This, my friends, is nothing but clutter and I’m tired of seeing it, in my inbox.
A few years ago, I contacted a friend, asking if he could help me in ridding my snail mail box of all this political clutte4r and he told me nothing can be done and I can only ignore it. e man explained that this is one of those things the nation sees as providing jobs.

Now, we’re approaching the middle of Biden’s term (at his ate of at the beginning of his de-mentia, we can go ahead and agree that Obama, Jr. won’t be back. That means that the nothingness of, yet another, democratic White House will soon be ending and I can hope that the electorate will replace him, with a good guy .. i.e.- REPUBLICAN .. once again.

I still cannot – FOR THE LIFE OF ME – understand how the idiots, who call themselves the DNR could consider placing a 79 year old man, in that office, after having demanded that Trump, at 71, was too old for that Oval Office, just four years prior.

It is obvious, however, that, in reality, age has nothing to do with it. The DNC will say anything to get their idiots in the Oval Office and the really sad thing is the fact that, more often than not, the people, who vote, will accept that stupidity!

My, now-deceased, uncle used to tell me that he didn’t talk about how he voted and I, once, responded that, if I’d voted Democrat, I wouldn’t want people to know it, either! He didn’t respond, so I am unaware if I hit the nail on the head or not!

I have, once again, had my fill of political email. Especially when it comes the an inept democratic party, where the top dog (you can substitute the word, IDIOT, if you want), where they, all but, beg me to support the likes of Obama and Biden, who are the antithesis of what I believe America needs.
So, until the DNC can offer something, where their candidates are actually planning to work for America, seeking to end the senseless slaughter of unborn babies, the unGodly laws, such as making sodomy legal and all the other stupidity, coming out of their campaigns and adminis-trations, they can forget about my support.

Allow me, if you will, to add this: Jimmy Carter became president on my sixteenth birthday and, had I been allowed to vote, in 1976, I’d have voted for him. Then, because I paid attention to the downfall of American politics, between 1/20/77 and the ensuring General Election, I cast my first vote for Reagan in 1980
After Reagan took office (on my 20th birthday) I began learning about how the DNC supports just about every unGodly bill they see, so I’ve never voted for a Democrat, for a high office.

AND I PROBABLY NEVEFR WILL! At least, not until they change!

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