The Way I See It …

I’ve read the report about the FBI raid on the former president’s home, in Florida and, about the only thing I think of is this: Joe Biden is shaking in his adult diapers!!

I mean, Trump has just about no chance of moving back to Washington, because he won’t shut up and uses the internet to, continually, talk, about age-old dead things, which hardly anyone is interested in hearing.
If Trump had taken his 2020 defeat, like a man and gracefully left the White House, when his term of office was completed, I think he could have become the second president to be elected to non-consecutive terms.

I have a Jewish friend, who is adamant that Obama loves the Jews (where she got that from is beyond me!) She is also adamant that Trump was wrong to move America’s embassy to Jeru-salem, demanding that the Westbank territory doesn’t belong to Isarel, that is belongs to Palestine.
And, to that, I replied that the entire land of Israel, Westbank included, was given, by God Almighty, Himself, to her forefather, Abraham and, no matter what the United Nations attempts to do, in order to destroy the nation of Israel, the deed to all of Israel belongs to the Jews and not the Palestinians.

This is the same woman, who demanded that, since Obama told the Rev. Rick Warren that he’d been a Christian, since the age of 13, what he said to a Muslim cleric, in France was unimportant. Then, when I asked her how a, supposed, Christian could live in the White House, for eight years, without once honoring the Christian Day of Prayer, while, yearly, going to a Muslim prayer break-fast, she replied, “Well, he’s Muslim.”
I guess this can also go along, with Obama’s desire to have everyone think he is a black American, when, in reality, his black-ness is from his African father, meaning that he should have explained that his WHITE maternal grandparents raised him, while his communist mother did other things.

Believe what you want, my friends, but Obama was/is nothing more than a monumental LIAR!! And, when you add to that, the fact that Michelle Obama, after all but demanding that candy no longer be allowed to be sold in convenience stores, breathed nary a word, about that, to this very day. She didn’t do what other First Ladies did, with whatever goal they championed. They would continue laboring to see their goal achieved, but not this woman!!
It was as if she assumed that, simply looking at herself as the QUEEN OF AMERICA, she need only send out an edict and everyone would jump onto her bandwagon.

So, like her husband, she lived in the Executive Mansion, for eight years and her legacy is nothing more than a blank page!!

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