What I Think and What I Hope

All this news about the FBI raid on Trump’s compound, to me, is simply more evidence that Joe Biden, along with the entire Democratic National Convention (of idiots) are shaking, in their collective boots as the next General Election draws ever nearer.

Anyone, who honestly watches what is going on, in federal politics, realizes that Biden’s presi-dency is little more than a senile old man being pushed around by a bunch of democrats, who make every decision because the ol’ man is no longer capable of doing that. The dimwits, in both houses of Congress are so anxious to continue ruling, over Biden’s diseased head, that they’re anxious to pull any half-baked scheme, in order to turn the possibility of Trump becoming the second Chief Executive to serve in two-inconsecutive terms.

These are the same people, who, when Trump was getting ready to bounce Hillary out of any opportunity to move back into the White House, demanded he, at 71, would be too old to serve as Chief Executive of the United States.
Then, four years later, when they wanted him out of that office, they brought in the antiquated Joe Biden, who was 79, on his inauguration day and, in my opinion, has been showing signs of senility, since his swearing in.
The heads of the DNC will, undoubtedly, cover this up and push for his re-election, while they, also, seek to vilify Trump for whatever they can “convince” the idiots, who voted for Obama and, later, Biden, that he’s done something — ANYTHING they can conjure out of thin air — wrong!

While I continue to be undecided as to whether I will vote for Trump again, I am definitely decided that I will absolutely NEVER support a member of the jackass party, where they continue to support anything unGodly, they can find, simply to get their chosen idiot into the White House.

Until this ungodliness ends, my vote will never support a member of the DNC!

I’ve been told of all the “bad” things Trump did, while he was in office and I challenged a Jew, who, twice, voted for Obama, then, supported Hillary, to tell me one, single, solitary thing Obama did for Israel (she couldn’t!) When I told her that Trump’s first success was in showing the world that America believes the West Bank belongs to Israel, she demanded it had been stolen from Palestine and I replied, “YOU CALL YOURSELF A JEW?!?” Adding that all the land, which had ever been known as Israel, had been given by God Almighty, to her forefather, Abraham adding that, no matter what UN says, the Westbank is part of that landmass and, in no way, shape of form, belongs to any country, other than Israel.

This woman, being a devout Democrat, before being a non-Orthodox Jew, refuses to see the obvious. She also refuses to admit that Obama demanded to give half of Jerusalem to Palestine, saying, “He didn’t have the authority,” and I shot it back, at her, demanding that he’d told me one of the early reasons she’d voted for him was that he planned to remove the 2nd Amendment, from the U.S. Constitution and, he’d, simply banked upon the hope that enough idiots would assume he could, when, in reality, he knew he couldn’t and never even tried to!

To tell you the truth, it’s hard to believe that this woman holds a Masters degree and is a retired educator!

I am overjoyed to have a right to my opinion because I am of the opinion that the FBI should raid the White House and remove every senile idiot, who can barely take himself to the bathroom, when he awakens, without help and put him in a nursing home.
If the government agencies, which are supported by my tax dollars, would do their jobs, America would have a much better government, run by people, who can still think straight!

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