My Take

This morning, once again, I’ve read about the sins that may have brought down a church I, once, attended. I’m thinking about the church, called Chapel Hill Harvester Church, while I was there. This was around the years, 1984, until I re- turned to Deaf missions, in the fall of 1986.
After leaving the missions tour group, in December, 1986, I felt led to return to Dallas. TX, where I would, later, repio-neer a Deaf ministry in a hearing Assembly of God church.

Before saying anything else, I’d like to explain that the only statement Bishop Earl Paulk made to me, personally, was when he looked at me, from his pulpit and, seeing that he had my attention, mouthed, “I Love You.” I remember this, specifically, because I’d just left a Southern Baptist Church, where the pastor had, all but, dest5royed the Deaf Ministry I’d helped to build, back in 1978 and 1979, with no concern for myself or any other Deaf person, there.

By the time I learned of the scandal, at the Cathedral, I had moved to Dallas, TX,, so I didn’t pay attention to it, simply because of the positive impression, made on me, by Bishop Paulk. Now that this has been water, over the dam, for years, I still recall the first impression, cast upon me, by the Bishop and, although I cannot discount the accusations, because I also recall having a Spiritual understanding, when Patricia Weeks walked past me and the church interpreter to me she’d written The Provoker.

I do not boast of this, I mention it, simply to glorify the King of kings, but because of the Spiritual Gift of Word of Knowledge, I knew that what she would, later, say would be true. I didn’t have a clue as to what it would be, just that it would be sincere.

Instead of partaking of all the gossip, surrounding this situation, I find myself wishing I’d still been in the area, when the media took over and, instead of helping, made things worse, because I’d have liked to have been there to assist in returning any, who had fallen, in any way, shape or form, to righteousness and, possibly, to have prevented the demise of this cathedral.

The last time, I drove down Candler Rd.,in DeCatur, GA, the FOR SALE sign, which I’d, first, seen, in 1988, was still in place and I wish I had the wherewithal to purchase, at least, the Cathedral and turn it into a megachurch, for the Deaf, so the world could see what the Lord is ding, with and of Deaf ministries.

Another Wish

Two movies, from the seventies, when I was a teenager, keep coming back on television.
The first is Benji, which I’ve probably seen 20 or 25 times and will never, ever, tire of seeing and the second is Saturday Night Fever, which ranks up there, near the former.

One of the things, I wish would return, is the styles of 1977 – 1979, when discos ruled. I mean, I have never been able to return to appreciating a jacket, without the collar of the shirt being outside, on the jacket lapels.

Then, when I stop and realize that the actors, who played John Travolta’s homeboys, are all in their 70”s, now, I find it hard to imagine finding another set of guys, who can do what they did, in the late ’70’s.

Thus, I have to watch that movie, over and over and hope someone will make a remake, the way someone already remade the Footloose movie, which was made about five years after John Travolta and Karen Lynn Gorney strutted their stuff, in that discotheque. “Then too, the cast would have to be younger, meaning you couldn’t expect the two, above: mentioned, actors to be as svelte, on the dancefloor, at they were, back then.

Personally, I don’t know if this can be anymore than a pipedream, but i is my pipe dream and I’ll hold onto it for a little while longer!

What I Think and What I Hope

All this news about the FBI raid on Trump’s compound, to me, is simply more evidence that Joe Biden, along with the entire Democratic National Convention (of idiots) are shaking, in their collective boots as the next General Election draws ever nearer.

Anyone, who honestly watches what is going on, in federal politics, realizes that Biden’s presi-dency is little more than a senile old man being pushed around by a bunch of democrats, who make every decision because the ol’ man is no longer capable of doing that. The dimwits, in both houses of Congress are so anxious to continue ruling, over Biden’s diseased head, that they’re anxious to pull any half-baked scheme, in order to turn the possibility of Trump becoming the second Chief Executive to serve in two-inconsecutive terms.

These are the same people, who, when Trump was getting ready to bounce Hillary out of any opportunity to move back into the White House, demanded he, at 71, would be too old to serve as Chief Executive of the United States.
Then, four years later, when they wanted him out of that office, they brought in the antiquated Joe Biden, who was 79, on his inauguration day and, in my opinion, has been showing signs of senility, since his swearing in.
The heads of the DNC will, undoubtedly, cover this up and push for his re-election, while they, also, seek to vilify Trump for whatever they can “convince” the idiots, who voted for Obama and, later, Biden, that he’s done something — ANYTHING they can conjure out of thin air — wrong!

While I continue to be undecided as to whether I will vote for Trump again, I am definitely decided that I will absolutely NEVER support a member of the jackass party, where they continue to support anything unGodly, they can find, simply to get their chosen idiot into the White House.

Until this ungodliness ends, my vote will never support a member of the DNC!

I’ve been told of all the “bad” things Trump did, while he was in office and I challenged a Jew, who, twice, voted for Obama, then, supported Hillary, to tell me one, single, solitary thing Obama did for Israel (she couldn’t!) When I told her that Trump’s first success was in showing the world that America believes the West Bank belongs to Israel, she demanded it had been stolen from Palestine and I replied, “YOU CALL YOURSELF A JEW?!?” Adding that all the land, which had ever been known as Israel, had been given by God Almighty, to her forefather, Abraham adding that, no matter what UN says, the Westbank is part of that landmass and, in no way, shape of form, belongs to any country, other than Israel.

This woman, being a devout Democrat, before being a non-Orthodox Jew, refuses to see the obvious. She also refuses to admit that Obama demanded to give half of Jerusalem to Palestine, saying, “He didn’t have the authority,” and I shot it back, at her, demanding that he’d told me one of the early reasons she’d voted for him was that he planned to remove the 2nd Amendment, from the U.S. Constitution and, he’d, simply banked upon the hope that enough idiots would assume he could, when, in reality, he knew he couldn’t and never even tried to!

To tell you the truth, it’s hard to believe that this woman holds a Masters degree and is a retired educator!

I am overjoyed to have a right to my opinion because I am of the opinion that the FBI should raid the White House and remove every senile idiot, who can barely take himself to the bathroom, when he awakens, without help and put him in a nursing home.
If the government agencies, which are supported by my tax dollars, would do their jobs, America would have a much better government, run by people, who can still think straight!

The Way I See It …

I’ve read the report about the FBI raid on the former president’s home, in Florida and, about the only thing I think of is this: Joe Biden is shaking in his adult diapers!!

I mean, Trump has just about no chance of moving back to Washington, because he won’t shut up and uses the internet to, continually, talk, about age-old dead things, which hardly anyone is interested in hearing.
If Trump had taken his 2020 defeat, like a man and gracefully left the White House, when his term of office was completed, I think he could have become the second president to be elected to non-consecutive terms.

I have a Jewish friend, who is adamant that Obama loves the Jews (where she got that from is beyond me!) She is also adamant that Trump was wrong to move America’s embassy to Jeru-salem, demanding that the Westbank territory doesn’t belong to Isarel, that is belongs to Palestine.
And, to that, I replied that the entire land of Israel, Westbank included, was given, by God Almighty, Himself, to her forefather, Abraham and, no matter what the United Nations attempts to do, in order to destroy the nation of Israel, the deed to all of Israel belongs to the Jews and not the Palestinians.

This is the same woman, who demanded that, since Obama told the Rev. Rick Warren that he’d been a Christian, since the age of 13, what he said to a Muslim cleric, in France was unimportant. Then, when I asked her how a, supposed, Christian could live in the White House, for eight years, without once honoring the Christian Day of Prayer, while, yearly, going to a Muslim prayer break-fast, she replied, “Well, he’s Muslim.”
I guess this can also go along, with Obama’s desire to have everyone think he is a black American, when, in reality, his black-ness is from his African father, meaning that he should have explained that his WHITE maternal grandparents raised him, while his communist mother did other things.

Believe what you want, my friends, but Obama was/is nothing more than a monumental LIAR!! And, when you add to that, the fact that Michelle Obama, after all but demanding that candy no longer be allowed to be sold in convenience stores, breathed nary a word, about that, to this very day. She didn’t do what other First Ladies did, with whatever goal they championed. They would continue laboring to see their goal achieved, but not this woman!!
It was as if she assumed that, simply looking at herself as the QUEEN OF AMERICA, she need only send out an edict and everyone would jump onto her bandwagon.

So, like her husband, she lived in the Executive Mansion, for eight years and her legacy is nothing more than a blank page!!

Which Way Would I Go?

With another midterm election on the horizon, I see a lot of ads, posted, where they, continually, tear down Herschel Walker for things he has said. They don’t, however, explain how Raphael Warnock, whose lies led to his own election, in 2018. Nor to they tell us how, much like Barrack Obama, Warnock has spent the past four years, doing absolutely nothing.

Of course, we should expect this, from the Democratic National Convention, when we rcall how Obama pledged to remove the Second Amendment, from the Constitution … something he never said a word about, while he was loafing, in Washington.
He never submitted a proposal, to Congress and his promises fell in the Potomac River, it seems.
This is akin to his wife’s demanding candy no longer be sold, in convenience stores and, there-after doing absolutely nothing to follow up on her baby project.

No idiot, who votes on the Left, will admit it, but Obama’s legacy was LAZINESS!

So, to answer the question of which way to I go, I will continue to do as I’ve done, since I became a voter, at the age of 19, in 1980 and vote straight Republican. The people, who allow them-selves to be deceived by the lies, spewed by the DNC, will disagree, with this, but I cannot, in good conscience support a candidate, who honors ungodly platforms, such as abortion, homo-sexuality, sodomite marriage, etc. Nor can I support a political party, who is attempting to force Christianity into the same closet they allowed the sin of sodomy to emerge from.

While I always wonder how someone, who votes for a democrat, in federal and even state elections, can stand to look themselves in the mirror, every morning, I am happy that I don’t have that problem, simply because my first goal, when I vote, is righteousness.
If someone, who, continually, votes for candidates, who support the murder of unborn infants and anything someone, who is interested in ungodliness, desires to do.

The only problem, I have, when I write this, is the fact that, a few months ago, I checked to see whether the 1973 USSC was loaded, with democrats and I found it was majority republican and than the vote had been 5-4, supporting the right of an unwed mother to murder the infant she wouldn’t have had, had she not fornicated, with someone, who also shouldn’t have.

Now that the current USSC has begun to bring America back to righteousness by sending the lawmaking back to the states (hopefully, the righteousness that has been lacking, in the federal government, these past 49 years, will now be honored by the individual states, once again, leading to a righteous America, where the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will, once again, be honored.

Immature Politics

In 1994, when Ronald Reagan was diagnosed as having Alzheimer’s disease, the democrats began lining up to demand that he’d had this, while he was still in the White House. Of course, they had absolutely no proof, but, to them, proof isn’t necessary.

They ignored the age of Biden, when they wanted him to usurp control of national politics from Trump and they’re acting as if his dementia, which is noticed almost daily, is simply a ploy by the Right, to make him look bad. They have a dim bulb in the Oval Office and, to them, that’s all that matters.

Not only that, the democrats, in the Senate, early on, wanted to provide Biden with five choices for an expanded United States Supreme Court. One that you, surely, force America to continue its Godless ways for years to come.
I’m not sure that the Godless hoard, in Washington, will give up, either.

What I do know is this: If Hillary Clinton had been president and had been allowed to tilt the USSC so far to the Left that righteousness would, now, be a foregone conclusion, the dim bulb faction would be up in arms, demanding that nine is plenty!!

The Godless hoard seems to have forgotten that the Holy Bible (that Book they ignore, while seeking to be their own gods) tells us that the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the very One,, Who was the Lord God of America, until wealthy politicians came up with the idea that they needed no one, over them and that their money is the god, needed by America, not the God, Who made the country great, in the first place.

Lest anyone forgets, I Timothy 6:10 tells us, “The love of money is the root of evil.” You can love it, worship it, use it for your own sinful ways and you can find yourself in a pile of evil.

I hope the politicians, in Washington will realize this before their god brings down America.

I Am Another!

I have just read how Lou Ferrigno lost his hearing, as a child and I have known a lot of people, who also lost theirs, in childhood.

Until very recently, the average person wouldn’t have known I was Deaf, when I would converse, with them, because, until about the year 2001, when I turned 40, my speech had yet to be marred by deafness.

Unlike a lot of children, who lost their hearing, I continued talking. Generally speaking, the child, who is deafened, with sooner or later, develop speech problems and, then, stop using their voices, which would, generally, annoy their hearing parents, who wanted their child to be as “hearing” as possible.
I still recall a man, by the name of Ed Nagy, who was hired as the principal of the Georgia School for the Deaf, right before I began my second year, there. Mr. Nagy took it as his “call” to demand that Deaf children speak and lipread. He didn’t care that deafness is a culture, he used his position of authority to demand that sign language would be used only in conjunction, with speech, which caused a lot of kids to hate his guts!

Because, until I was in my forties, before my speech began becoming unintelligible, Nagy was able to utilize this, to his own ends. I recall that he told some kids they weren’t smart, because they couldn’t speak, “like (I can).” He didn’t explain, to them, that I’d lost my hearing a little more than two years, prior to his arriving on the scene, which make speech a way of life for me, Nor did he allow them to understand that speech, in general, wasn’t a way of life, in their own culture – Come to think of it, I doubt the idiot accepts deafness as a culture, now, much less, in 1973!

A few years ago, I mentioned to someone about deafness being a culture and someone else, who was eavesdropping, demanded, “IT IS NOT A CULTURE. IT’S A HANDICAP AND NOTHING ELSE!!”
And, I shot back, with, “Not to us. To the Deaf people, the handicap is in being able to hear. You see, you’re unable to think, because of noise; you can’t talk on the phone, because of noise; your ability to work in impeded because of noise … AND, WE DON’T HAVE THAT PROBLEM, BUD!!”

This same man, once, told me he’s smarter than I, so I ask how many languages he speaks, fluently and he replied, “One. That’s all you know.”
To which I shot back, “No. I know English and American Sign Language, which is something you and the idiots, who have destroy Deaf Education would love to outlaw because it makes it easier on the people, in control, to demand the Deaf must learn English.

You see, I’ve been told, on more occasions that I’ve been able to keep up with, that the Deaf need to learn to speak, o they can communicate, with hearing people and, just as I did, shortly after I was first told that, in 1972, after I’d begun my first year, at GSD, I ask why they don’t demand hearing kids learn signs, so as to allow them to communicate, with the Deaf.
In 1972, a teacher’s aide, at GSD, told me, “They will,’ and, looking back, nearly 50 years, I continue to wonder, when it will happen!

The thing is, people, who are wrong, will say absolutely ANYTHING, just to get their way, which is to not have to admit their error and, looking back, that may have been the first time I experienced someone using that ploy.

This is also akin to the demand, “This is a hearing world; you have to learn to live in a hearing world,” which I’ve been told more times than I care to count!

I remember a retired educator of Deaf children, who had spent 35 years demanding the Deaf needed to speak and lipread, telling me that America needs to learn “foreign languages,” so as to honor other cultures. I responded by asking how she can reconcile this thinking with having spent nearly her entire adult life, demanding that the Deaf culture learn English, without a thought of requiring the hearing people to learn signs.
Would you believe that he reply was to explain how she believes the Deaf, who are unable to converse, in English, which contradicts the demand that Americans learn other languages, so as to communicate, with other people. The problem, for hearing people, is that you have to have an ability to learn to use your hands and, basically, this is harder than learning a spoken language, because you, simply, need to hear one. The hearing people, apparently, make the demand of the Deaf, because, although the Deaf aren’t able to hear English,

Come to think of it, this also fits in, with people, who assume that the Deaf are stupid, simply because the Word of God, in Mark, chapter seven, mentions a man, brought to Jesus, who is re-corded to have been “deaf and dumb.”
The newer, English, versions of the Word, correctly, explain that the man had a speech impediment, but the King James bible says he was deaf and dumb, leading a lot of people to assume that the Deaf are idiots. Therefore, nothing we say or do, counts and any of our accomplishments never could have happened, because – to them – we, simply, are worthless, to the Holy Spirit.

I wonder what the world would be like, should all of those people, who assume the Deaf as nothing more than a worthless group, who are simply handicapped beyond any worth, woke up, one morning and realized that the Deaf have done a lot of things many hearing people have yet to do. I mean, I know of a totally unhearing man, who took drum lessons, for two reasons: First, to prove he could and, secondly, to prove the Word of God, where Paul wrote “I can do ALL things, through Christ, Who strengthens me,” to be true.

This man found a drummer, who believed he could and this drummer, who had already worked with some of the top contemporary Christian groups (these included both The Imperials and The Allreds) and, in nine months, learned to play the basics. The man even had a field day, when people would say, “Oh, you can feel it,” and he’d reply that you cannot “feel” a beat, until you hit and that you have to know what you’re doing.
He would explain how the beat, utilizes the hands and feet moving differently and how mistakes are make because those, who don’t know what they’re doing, will not how to to count the beat,” he explains.

Now, lest anyone demands I am creating the, above-mentioned, character, I’ll go ahead and tell you that I was the Deaf man, who took drum lessons and, to this day, remember how to play songs that require 4/4, 3/4 and 6/8 tempos. Often, I can look at the pianist and tell you the he/she is playing a song that is a 6/8 tempo, too.
The main thing, here, though, is that the Apostle Paul admonished us to boast not of works, I always conclude.

The only think I am unable to answer is this: Deaf people will, continually demand that we can do anything, except hear. Then, when I mention that I have taken drum lessons, more often than not, one of them will demand that it’s impossible, because I am unable to hear.
At the same time, hearing people will demand that the Lord can do anything but, when I tell them that He has called me to preach, they will turn around and demand that Deaf people cannot do that, because we cannot hear.

The main group, who make that demand, though, are the charismatics and Pentecostals, though, and these two groups will turn around and preach that the Lord can do anything, which is, then, contradictory, to their own belief and, instead of giving us an opportunity to show them what we can do, they continue demanding that we must be able to hear.
One other thing: Their demands, appear to be based upon the scripture, where the deaf, at the time, where also said to be dumb and, these uneducated people, even some, who have earned PhD’s, will assume this means ALL Deaf people are idiots!

So, I wonder where this leaves me. I mean, the charismatics and Pentecostals, who demand I need hearing to do what they demand I hadn’t done, although they were either told by the very people, whom they assumed had done the work, that I was the one who completed the task, or SAW me do it, themselves, and, then, turned around and demanded I couldn’t have, giving me no opportunity to complete the work, unto complete fruition and giving the work to a hearing person, who will allow it to die, rather than allow a Deaf person, who knows more, about Deaf ministry than they ever will, to do what I’ve been called to do.

So, the ministry died!

Once Again!

Personally, I am sick of this CRAP!!

During the eight years Obama spent doing absolutely NOTHING for the US and doing less than that for Israel, I received a boatload of email asking me to support him.
Then, during the time, when Trump spent four years, undoing the stupidity of the eight previous years, I received another boatload of email, asking me to support Trump’s ouster.

This, my friends, is nothing but clutter and I’m tired of seeing it, in my inbox.
A few years ago, I contacted a friend, asking if he could help me in ridding my snail mail box of all this political clutte4r and he told me nothing can be done and I can only ignore it. e man explained that this is one of those things the nation sees as providing jobs.

Now, we’re approaching the middle of Biden’s term (at his ate of at the beginning of his de-mentia, we can go ahead and agree that Obama, Jr. won’t be back. That means that the nothingness of, yet another, democratic White House will soon be ending and I can hope that the electorate will replace him, with a good guy .. i.e.- REPUBLICAN .. once again.

I still cannot – FOR THE LIFE OF ME – understand how the idiots, who call themselves the DNR could consider placing a 79 year old man, in that office, after having demanded that Trump, at 71, was too old for that Oval Office, just four years prior.

It is obvious, however, that, in reality, age has nothing to do with it. The DNC will say anything to get their idiots in the Oval Office and the really sad thing is the fact that, more often than not, the people, who vote, will accept that stupidity!

My, now-deceased, uncle used to tell me that he didn’t talk about how he voted and I, once, responded that, if I’d voted Democrat, I wouldn’t want people to know it, either! He didn’t respond, so I am unaware if I hit the nail on the head or not!

I have, once again, had my fill of political email. Especially when it comes the an inept democratic party, where the top dog (you can substitute the word, IDIOT, if you want), where they, all but, beg me to support the likes of Obama and Biden, who are the antithesis of what I believe America needs.
So, until the DNC can offer something, where their candidates are actually planning to work for America, seeking to end the senseless slaughter of unborn babies, the unGodly laws, such as making sodomy legal and all the other stupidity, coming out of their campaigns and adminis-trations, they can forget about my support.

Allow me, if you will, to add this: Jimmy Carter became president on my sixteenth birthday and, had I been allowed to vote, in 1976, I’d have voted for him. Then, because I paid attention to the downfall of American politics, between 1/20/77 and the ensuring General Election, I cast my first vote for Reagan in 1980
After Reagan took office (on my 20th birthday) I began learning about how the DNC supports just about every unGodly bill they see, so I’ve never voted for a Democrat, for a high office.

AND I PROBABLY NEVEFR WILL! At least, not until they change!

This is Completely Obvious

Some months ago, I recall reading that, when Joe Biden took office, the democrats began ranting about the “obvious need,” as they put it, to expand the number of Supreme Court justices to 13. Just now, I’ve read another article, in which the writer, again broached this subject and I’ve decided to use my blog to explain what I think of this:

Let’s assume that Trump hadn’t been cheated, as so many think he was, out of the past General Election and that he had broached the idea of expanding the number of justices, on the high court. I’m sure anyone, who isn’t a butt-smooching democrat, will agree that the entire Democratic National Convention would have been up in arms, demanding his goal was to do away with every ungodly law that had been put in place by the ungodly high court, during the years, when the majority liberal court had allowed everything from the murder of infants to sodomite rights, which preceded the ultra-ungodly allowance for male/male and female/female marriage.

So, when you consider that both of the ungodly allowances, I’ve just recognized, along with the fact that the ungodly members of both houses of Congress, will, now, have to deal with a high court that is now leaning toward Godliness, you’ll understand why I believe the dim bulb faction is anxious to bring in more ungodly justices, who will make it impossible for America’s sinful state to end.

I am also sure that anyone, reading this, who disagrees, will take the stance that, when the Lord God, who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the stench of homosexuality, did that in the Old Testament and, according to, modern day thinking, “That was then, this is now. And things have changed.”

My second thought is that, when people demand that the murder of infants, which is called abortion and is, often thought of as being anything from a right to birth control (this, often, being the idea that, pre-marital sexual relationships are, no longer sinful, since love is now thought of as Godly, in any and every way).

Well, fornication is still ungodly, and fornicators are still living in sin and, in desperate need of repentance and forgiveness.
Unfortunately, the present-day America is continually deciding that sin is in and Godliness is a thing of the past! So, the country, which is represented by the eagle and seen to be Israel’s sup-porter and protector in the book of Daniel as well as the Book of the Revelation, isn’t important, now.

Again, the present-day thinking is that our way is permitted, simply because, since the dawn of the Sexual Revolution, free love is more important than considering what the consequences, of these sinful relationships, along with the potential of future sin, such as broken homes, due to the fact that teen marriages don’t always continue (while I have to admit that I know of a couple, whose union is close to 50 years in length, I’ve also known quite a few, whose unions didn’t last more than a short time and, I’ve known one, whose marriage didn’t make it five days).

When it comes to the argument about whether the U.S. should have allowed sodomite marriage, years ago, like some European countries did, I, simply, reply that when two men or two women can “be fruitful and multiply,” like the Lord told Adam and Eve to do, (with and by themselves, alone, without the assistance of science, when has also become so ungodly that I don’t hesitate to wonder when the system will attempt to find a way for siblings to marry, allowing a brother and sister to reproduce, without fear of the illnesses that might be involved (and, lest I forget, science will, someday, attempt to override those illnesses … I’m thinking, directly, about how some families already have a Deaf gene and, in the past, cousins, who had that gene, married, without realizing they were cousins, and then, brought in generations of Deaf children into the world. What I mean is that, supposing a family has a gene that is causing cancer and, when a brother and sister reproduced, they would cause that gene to go wild, bringing a generation (or two or three) into the world, where many of their offspring would be stricken with cancer.
Of course, I’m sure the democrats, in Washington don’t stop to think about it, or don’t care enough to do so, but it’s a stark possibility!

So, now that the democrats, in Washington, are so overwhelmed by the fact that, after years of having their way, when it came to making ungodly laws, are anxious to return to that unrighteous lifestyle.

Don’t expect the Democratic National Convention or any of the people, who are anxious to vote for those politicians, to admit it, though!

Two Rules, Running Through Our Nation!

In the United States, the democrats are, forever, demanding that the Freedom of Speech rights .. specifically, the Freedom of Speech rights, are mandatory to whether it bothers another person.

Let me put it this way: If someone makes a disparaging remark about a Christian, a Christian church or even a backslidden pastor, he or she is protected by the First Amendment. However, should a writer, comedienne or speaker make a remark about a cult (let’s say a leader, who is a Muslim, for example), make a remark about a Catholic priest or any one of another groups, out there, who demand their time, their god is equal with my own risen King Jesus, they will be demanded to apologize and, often, they will apologize, simply to save face or save their own jobs.

A few years ago, some Mexican nationals, who were living on the California side of the US/Mexican border, were photographed as flying Ol’ Glory, upside down and beneath the Mexican flag. If I’d been in a position of authority, I’d have had they booted … PHYSICALLY … out of the country.
The ultra-WIMPS, in Washington, D.C. proclaimed that these teenagers were protected by the first amendment and I, for one, have taken the stance that the Bill of Rights protects the U.S. citizens and NOT every foreigner, who comes along and derides our country.

Now…This same mode of thinking, at least in my own mind, fits in with the demand that Deaf people must learn to speak English because (whether the hearing people will admit it or not) it’s just too hard for the ruling class … i.e. – hearing people … to learn signs. (As if many of them ever attempted to, in the first place, you know!)

A few years ago, I was conversing, with a retired educator of Deaf children, who had lost her hearing as a teenager. This woman had utilized the required Signing Exact English (heretofore, to be identified as SEE signs), her entire 34-year career and told me that Deaf children needed to able to communicate, with hearing people.
Well, like this, now-called, “late-deafened” woman, I’d lost my hearing, meaning sign language has been my second language and, unlike this woman, I have spent my unhearing years demanding the rights of the Deaf.
So, when I spoke, with her and complained about the world’s demand that Koreans, etc. be allowed to use their native languages, in this country, meaning Americans should cater to them by learning foreign languages she even said we should know German, French, Italian, etc., be-cause we need to understand them.
My reply, which I will never, ever, stop standing by, is this: SO, WHY DO YOU DEMAND THE DEAF MUST LEARN ENGLISH?!? Why single out the Deaf, simply because hearing people might have problems, learning signs?

The only reply, the woman could come up with, was to say that Deaf people are unable to get jobs, because they’re unable to fill out an application (if you ask me, that is ludicrous, anyone, out there, knows what is needed to write down your name, address, birthdate, past job history, etc.).
Also, when it comes to interviews, the Americans with Disabilities Amendment requires a sign language interpreter be provided by the potential employer and, if that’s a hardship, for them, the nation (or individual states and/or cities) will step in a provide that interpreter.

Lastly, allow me, if you will, to say this: Most sign language interpreters have a goal to work in a courtroom and doctor’s office/hospital settings, which requires a top-level certification.
That, being the case, makes it simple to understand you won’t find many of those, who won’t be capable of interceding a communication, betwixt a potential employer and a Deaf person.

Lastly, allow me to explain how this thinking came into being: In 1971, when I was a ten-year old kid, I lost every iota of my hearing to a fever, which hovered at 108 degrees for two weeks. The cause of this high temperature was Meningitis and, for two years, I attended the Georgia School for the Deaf and, I, soon, realized that the Deaf kids rejected me as being an outsider.
Apparently, their thinking was based on the fact that I hadn’t been born into the Deaf culture and they hate anyone, who hasn’t! Their hatred began, because the hearing administrators, mainly, were hearing and utilized SEE signs and that is a foreign language, when you have never heard anything.

As I said, I only attended GSD for two years and, during that time, two principals ran the school. The second of the two came in and demanded the kids must sign English. Not only that, he also made it harder, for me, by demanding that the kids must strive to achieve my level of com-munication skills. When he would see me signing, he would tell me that, unless I stopped utilizing that form of communication, I would be unable to speak, “within four or five years,” (to quote him).

The man was wrong! You see, until 1999, I was still capable of walking into a restaurant and ordering for myself. In 1999, it became difficult, for me, because it was in the Spring of that year, that I went under the neurosurgeon’s knife, during a six-week coma, and it, somehow stunted my ability to speak as well as I had, for years.

Anyone, reading this, can see that English is still my first language, but speaking is no longer a simple thing, for me. Should we go out to eat, I will have to ask my wife, who is a hearing woman, to order for me, because I’ve had problems, communicating, with kids, who don’t know what a 61-year old Deaf man, with 51 years experience in deafness, is talking about.

Occasionally, I am, still, capable of conversing, with someone, who will not realize I am totally Deaf, until I tell them. Those experiences are simply a remnant of the past, when nearly everyone, with whom I conversed, didn’t know i have no hearing to speak of. The Deaf, however, will continue to demand I am “hearing,” simply because I continue to attempt to do something none of them are doing and I can, specifically, pinpoint one jerk … a hearing man of exceptional interpreting skill, who chose to agree with the Deaf, at my expense.
This happened around 16 years after I’d lost my hearing and that jerk’s attitude was that the Deaf guy, who demanded I was hearing, was right, because, “they don’t accept (me) as Deaf.”
That, too, is a given, since the Deaf culture is made up, ONLY, of those, who were born Deaf , or deafened as a small child.

Anyone else is out, because we are the “echo” of the idiots, who are demanding the Deaf culture learn English, which is foreign to them, so the hearing people … the lazy ones, that is … take advantage of their ruling class status and make the others do the work!